To make your removal as easy and fast as possible we offer you these practical tips.
  1. We strongly advise you to use removal boxes. Packing boxes to full will cause them damage and you won’t be able to return them. For heavy objects there are smaller & stronger boxes available.
  2. Make sure your fragile items are thoroughly packed for instance in bubble plastic.
  3. Taking apart closets, beds and tables prior to our arrival will save time. Tape loose parts together and take out loose screw/nails.
  4. Defrost your fridge/freezer and make sure there is no water left in your washing machine. Find out whether it’s possible to take out the washing machines weight (before carrying it down a flight of stairs).
  5. Tape or tie up loose cables/hoses of unpacked equipment to avoid damaging them and to ensure it’s easier to carry around.
  6. In case of removal of a mechanical clock, please remove the weights and secure the mechanics with the appropriate bolts.
  7. In most cases in Amsterdam the use of a rope & pully is a time saving possibility Please check up on the following questions whether or not this possible.
    1. Can we reach the hook at pick-up and delivery addresses? When necessary notify your neighbours of your moving plans.
    2. Is the window/balcony door at the pick-up and delivery addresses large enough?
    3. When possible. Take out the window yourself. This will save us some time.
    4. In case of hoisting to the top floor keep in mind that the pully is approximately 50 cm long.

    When using a removal lift the same tips apply. Make sure there is enough space to place the lift and that there are no trees or tram cables blocking the path.

  1. “Many hands make light work “. Asking capable friends/family to help out will significantly speed up the process saving you lots of time and money.
  2. You might need a license to block the street during your removal (especially when using a lift). Hiring some parking lots in front of your door to avoid parking troubles could also be a very handy option. Check out the site of the Amsterdam government for more info.